Fahrtenbuch input page?

  • HELP! PS - replies in German are ok.

    My company has used the "pauschalbesteuerung" for the company car I have (1% & 0.03% rules). I kept a "fahrtenbuch" to calculate what the difference would be at year end. I find that the "fahrtenbuch" would be more tax advantageous. Where do I input the information? I only find Section D.1. in Sparbuch 2008. Here one can only input the "home to office" detail and not the "business vs private" usage as well as total costs (which I assume would be necessary). Thanks in advance.

  • Sorry, but my english is too bad, so the answer in german.

    Für die Versteuerung des geldwerten Vorteil nach Fahrtenbuch (statt 1% Regelung) gibt es keine extra Eingabemöglichkeit. Dies wäre separat zu ermitteln und das Brutto (Lohn/Gehalt) wäre entsprechend zu mindern. Die Berechnung der Erklärung beilegen.
    Dies macht nur Sinn, wenn ein geringer Anteil Privatfahrten durchgeführt wurd.

    I hope you understand und the right answer to the question. :wink:

    Ansonsten muss ein Anderer ran.

  • Was sagt ein Sachse zur Weihnachtszeit in London? A tännschen please.

    Sorry, aber musste sein. :lol:

    Bin schon erstaunt, das es Fragesteller gibt, welche zwar auf deutsch verstehen, aber nicht in deutsch Fragen. Aber es gibt nicht Viele, welchen hier nicht geholfen werden konnte. (getreu dem Motto von Frau Poth) :)

    Ciao Dragon

  • And I´ll try in english.
    The one who finds mistakes can keep them.

    There´s no special field in the formular.
    You have to calculate on a separate sheet, and have to add this.

    Calculate as follows:
    Take the "Bruttolohn", abstract the 1% and the 0,03% and add the real costs for your private kilometers and the kilometers between home and office.
    This account you write in the field, where you would have written the "Bruttolohn".

    On the separate sheet you have to add all the costs of the car, and you have to show how you have calculated the costs für the private kilometers and the kilometers between home and office.

  • Thanks all... So I will try some Bavarian... "Servus! Ihre antworten passt schon! Jetzt muss ich mehr arbeit in dieser Steuererklärung hereinschteken... Tjuss"

    Well it was worth a try...

    Problem is that I still do not understand at which point I need to add the totals manually... from what I can understand from the suggestions:
    1) I complete everything I can in Sparbuch 2008
    2) Manually calculate all the differences my fahrtenbuch would make (separately)
    3) Manually change the Sparbuch 2008 forms using the "Nachbearbeitung" functionality? or must I redo all forms manually after printing them out?